That was the cry Saturday from the 1st AD Sashin. We were trying to get this giant elephant of a production moving, because we were shooting a song which appears in the movie - an Indian version of a Music Video, which appears in the middle of the film.
We had 40 kid extras who were trying to learn choreography..oh and you can't call them extras here in India because it's an must refer to all extras as Jr. Actors, even if they are 75 and balding…
Our "Jr Actors"- dont call'em extras!
So there we are with 3 different sets in a lunch room that echo's, a children's song that sounded really cute the first 25-30 times it was played back..but after the 12 hour and the 300th time it's played back, I wanted to cut my ears off!…I really shouldn't complain though…Aravind my Indian Line Producer once spend 17 days working on a song in a river in the middle of the rainy season!
Speaking of kids - take a look at this little guy…
he's my shadow today - I gave him a little lollipop and he keeps following me around holding out his hand…
I gave him four of them by the end of the day....yes I am a "Sucker" for letting this little guy play me...but I ask you, could you resist??
There are so many cute kids here everywhere you look on the streets in the shops…often when we drive to work we will see sleepy eyed little kids waking up and walking around the streets, often half dressed…Some times it gets a little scary as little tiny children are just hanging out with no parents close by, as traffic whizzes past them...and I'm talking little, maybe two-three year olds. The crew assures me that their Mama's are close by and they are safe..hmmmm..It's quite a sight to see all these little beauties running around...
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