"What crazy thing has Shannon gotten herself into now!"….Is that what you are thinking?
Well, here's the story morning glory - I have been hired to line-produce a movie in India.
Yes..I know…NUTS!....What in the world do I know about Indian filmmaking?
But as nutty as this sounds, an independent Indian filmmaker who has worked for some years in the US, was looking for an American to come and oversee his Indian crew. After a few lovely long distance phone conversations and reading a very sweet script, I decided this was a life changing opportunity that I could not pass up…
I will be in Hyderabad, India for two months from October '07 to December '07 and I decided to create this blog for two reasons:
1) To keep in touch with family and friends about my experiences while there and to let them know that YES - I am still alive!
2) To document my adventures in Indian filmmaking, often called "Bollywood" although technically movies made in Hyderabad, known as the Telugu Film Industry are called Tollywood, (Much more on this to come…)
For those who are curious - I would like to direct you to the wikipedia page which will give you the 411 on where I will be spending the next two months.
Hyderabad some facts
I am packing and preparing as we speak ....so stay tuned!
Party Pictures from the impromptu Bollywood going away party that Janney threw for me!

The beautiful Melissa Fitzgerald with yours truly- Just back from her own world adventures in Uganda. She is doing incredible things there. Check out Voices of Uganda

Cami- Sue-matra honored us with his presence at the party. This is one enlightened guy!

The Great Cami-Sue-Matra entertains us with a Bolly-Dance (Hot!)

I leave you today with a little preview of what's to come......!